Solar Co-Generation

Each module generates 500 watts of power, 40% electric and 60% thermal, saving energy and increasing profits

CPVT Solar Co generation
Producing both electricity and heat, BrightLeaf’s Co generation energy solution is 75% efficient. Each module generates 500 watts of power, 40% electric and 60% thermal. The system can be deployed in configurations of four modules per individual tracker providing the flexibility to tailor a solution to your needs. The system can also be implemented with up to 16 modules in a traditional monopole array.



High Concentrated photovoltaics (HCPV) is the most promis­ing form of solar energy tech­nol­ogy on the market today. CPV was developed in the 1950’s as a power source for the American space pro­gram. HCPV sys­tems use lenses or mirrors along with dual-axis tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight on small photovoltaic surfaces which generate electricity. This technology is ideal for space use, since the size of the solar array can be small (transportable into space) and there is no concern with heat dissipation from the concentrated sun­light. Unfortunately, the thermal transfer problems on earth have created huge difficulties. These systems can focus up to 1000 watts/m² of sun­light, (this can also be referred to as “1,000 suns”) or more, onto a very small area. As long as the solar cell is kept cool, they operate very efficiently in concentrated sunlight.

Concentrating sunlight allows for use of a much smaller solar collection area and far less solar cell material. Unlike traditional, more conventional flat panel systems, HCPV sys­tems use 1/500th to 1/1000th of the solar cell collection area. HCPV sys­tems, then, are often much less expensive to produce and therefore install. This leverage gives HCPV a greater potential to arrive at a production cost ($/kWh) that’s at grid parity. The efficiencies of the cells available today are double to nearly triple those of conventional photovoltaics (38–40% with the current generations of cells and 45%+ with the imminent next generation). By mounting small cells (approximately 0.51 cm. square) in dispersed arrays, moving the heat can be managed in a satisfactory and cost effective fashion.

All power plants emit a certain amount of heat during electricity generation. BrightLeaf’s proprietary technology minimizes CPV complexity and cost with maximum efficiency. Our method of actively cooling the cell while harvest­ing the heat raises the efficiency of the entire system potentially as high as 70%. Concentrated photovoltaics and thermal (CPVT), is a co generation technology that produces both electricity and heat in the same module.