Circuit Master
Energy Saving Technology that Increases your Profits |
Circuit Master
You can buy capacitors for saving energy and to improve power factor. You can buy surge protection to protect equipment. You can buy low pass filters for high frequency noise (harmonics) and high pass filters for low frequency noises. With Circuit Master you get it all in the same box. The Circuit Master works on all inductive loads from HVAC/R to water and oil wells and machine shops.
What genuinely makes this product different and thus sets it apart from most of the other devices on the market is a built in noise filtering "LNF" circuit. This "LNF" circuit helps to balance out the distortions in the wave cycle which' causes KVAR's in the harmonic balance associated with inductive loads. This feature in turn helps many computer controlled and state of the art electronic equipment to run more reliably. All units connect to electrical panels or disconnects via NEC approved electrical hook apparatus - see installation instructions.
The other major components used in Circuit Master products are line filter capacitors. These types of components are used to improve the power factor and reduce the amount of KVA needed from the utility to run various inductive loads. The combining of both components in the Delta made, energy saving products actually enhances the ability of the overĀall product performance. That is to say the achieved savings derived from using both MOV, TVSS, and line filter capacitance together in one unit maximizes the energy saving features in real time operations, with results showing 5% to
20% or more in possible monthly electrical savings.
We are proud of this product being manufatured in the United States of America,
Circuit Master benefits include: |
* Single and Three Phase
* Reduce Amperage, KVA & Energy Consumption
* Filters TI-ID & Line Loss
* NEC-ETLIUL Certified
* Certified to ANSIU.L./E.T. L STD 810
* Prolong Equipment Life
* Reduce KVAR = Improve Power Factor 10% Energy Savings Guaranty
* 5 Year Warranty & Product Liability
* Connects in Parallel to Load User Friendly to 600 VAC
* Saves From Line Side, Not Load Side |
Circuit Master users include: |
* Hartman Properties
* FDlA: Mexico
* EDF Europe
* Angelo State University
* Hutchinson College
* Seattle Ice House
* Homestead Foods
* Prairie Meadows Casino
* City of Selma, Texas
* FarnilyTradition Fords
* Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority
* Concorde Machine & Tool
* Essex Power Utility
* Chandler Automotive |